I like to think of myself as an indefinable person. I currently work in personal visual projects dealing with the perception of my body and the struggle to get to know yourself, in a society that want us to show every aspect of our lifes but doesn't allow ourselves to be vulnerable. 10 years ago I started to work as a photographer, mostly in the fashion and commercial field, I had been working for more then 5 years when the overproduction of images started to disgust me. Then it's when I stopped , and I started to turn the lens from the oustide into the inside, into me. Focusing into intimate-creative healing practices. Since 2017 I'm part of a queer and feminist art collective : altes finanzamt : based in Neukölln, Berlin. Beside my performances and works, that have been shown mostly in my art collective, I do collaborate with some paper magazine as a photographer.
Photo © Sarah Berger